This is my
very favorite Christmas tradition, an idea I got years ago from parenting class and have had so much fun with in our family ever since...
Meet Mr. Peeps!

This is Mr. Peeps' explanation:
Christmas is approaching, and this is the day
Santa has sent Mr. Peeps to your house to stay.
He sent this small elf to your house and mine.
The day after Thanksgiving, He must be on time.
Mr. Peeps has a purpose. His purpose will be,
To whisper to Santa all the good that he sees.
Soon after he gets here, he moves only at night
To high places, low places, he stays in plain sight.
In the kitchen, for instance, he sits high on a shelf.
Mr. Peeps can sit anywhere, for he is an elf.
He holds very still when he thinks you are watching.
His magic is precious, it fades with each touching.
He sits on the tree on Christmas Eve day.
He knows that Santa is soon on his way.
He waits and he waits without making a noise.
He waits until Santa arrives with the toys.
So you better be nice and mind what you say
Because Mr. Peeps will tell Santa when he comes with his sleigh.
Once Christmas is here and Santa has come,
Mr. Peeps must leave, for his job is well done.
But, he will return next year on the very same day,
To watch your behavior as you work and play.
- Sharon Reynolds
Here is
our Mr. Peeps

A new elf showed up with Mr. Peeps last year. His name is Stanley.

My sister has Mr. Peeps' twin brother and another elf named Lucky.

They end up in the darndest places around the house!

(I think Stanley is making sure we remember to flush and wash.) {{teehee}}

They even play around when we aren't looking.

This tradition is fun and an easy one to start. You've just got to find an elf, which can sometimes be the only hard part. I got my Mr. Peeps at a local craft/hobby store, Mac's (which is no longer in business). I got Stanley from JoAnn Fabrics I think. My sis got Lucky from Shopko a few years back. You can also go online to get one...
If you are really crafty and love to sew, go can go to
The Crazy Quilter and buy the pattern to
make Mr. Peeps (the one in that first picture).

You can save yourself a lot of time and hassle and go to this website that I just found called
Elves Around the World, for a perfect elf!! I am so excited to have found this
site! They even have the
tradition all spelled out and ready for us in a package deal- for a very reasonable price in my opinion! I wish I would have known about this a long time ago.
**Just remember to be sure and get an elf with movable/bendable arms and legs so he can be positioned easily. *Also, usually the elves come the day of or after Thanksgiving (though it can be anytime between then and Christmas), so you better hurry!
Do you have an elf? Do you already do this tradition? Leave me a comment! Give us your blog link... We want to see yours too!!Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!!
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