To add to our special General Conference weekend I wanted the kids to be comfortable and cozy(hopefully not so much that they fall asleep).
I decided to make pillow cases (& blankets) to be used only for Conference. [This was an investment but luckily I hit a great sale at Joann Fabric 1/2 off fleece sale].

First cut out the "CTR" letters[mine are 6" wide x 9" tall] to sew onto the front fleece piece. I cut them out of t-shirt material found at the second hand store.

FRONT SIDE: cut a piece of red/blue & yellow fleece(21"x 10.5"). Stitch each letter onto the coordinating color. Then sew the panels together with a 1/2" seam.

Cut a pillowcase(from the second hand store, only $1.00) in half. For the front & back. Cut another piece of fleece for the backside. This one will match the blanket(21" x 30").

Pin & sew the "paneled"(=the front) piece and the "matching blanket" piece(=the backside) to each side of the cut pillowcase.

Face right sides together, stitch around the end casing then stitch the other 3 sides to close the pillowcase up.

Each pillowcase will have a NEW matching blanket. Sew the edge of the blanket(60"x 70"). I might stitch their names on the blankets like I did

Other fun things to add to our Conference tote:

They get these
M&M's the Friday before so they can prepare their mind.

We go food shopping so they can use these fun trays(I got these at Pottery Barn 5+ ago but I think Walmart has some).

New Fuzzy Socks(found at Target) with a

Paper packets
here &
here with a new pen(found at Michael's for $1.00).

memory game.
BINGO cards(different ones for spring & fall) using their favorite candy.
All of our Conference items are kept in a tote (thanks Cami!) ready for April & October.
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