I was in Walmart the other day and saw a cute Necklace. I couldn't pay $8.00 knowing I had all the stuff at home to make it. The technique seemed so simple & I knew it would look cute wearing it in the upcoming summer weather.
Necklace clasps
Fold string(4 yards-I used thin hemp like) in half, thread one through the necklace clasp and with both strings tie a knot.
Take one string and thread on a bead or shell then take both strings and tie a knot. Continue until you reach the end of the string. Tie onto the other side of the necklace clasp. TIP: I put a little glue on one of the string ends so it wouldn't fray and thread easier.
All Done! I made it long so I could wear it by itself or layer it.
You could wear it single or doubled up. . .
Or even layer it. Pin It
Cute Idea! love the tan and white colors together. Would be perfect at the beach!
thank you!