A few days ago, I finally found my Designs for scrapbooking and card making when I was organizing my craft room. I am so glad I did. The other day as I was looking thru my youngest daughter's (who is 8) book, I asked her where her other scrapbook was. She mentioned she didn't have one. My heart sunk. I did not realize I was that far behind (hers is at 2 years old). Boy am I excited to start back up again. Now I just have to find(actually make) the time!{lol}
Before I was inspired by Becky Higgins(she came out with page layouts=sketches) I was frustrated with scrapbooking because I would stare at the page & not know what to do. She came out with a brilliant idea, & I wanted to follow suit. So I grabbed all my Creating Keepsake Mags along with other ones & got to work "scraplifting" the main idea of the pages. Then I made my own template so I could put alot of designs on a page & put it in a binder. Then because of all the designs I had(1040), I place tabs of how many pictures would fit on a page. (for example-if I hade 4 pics then I go to the section labeled "4").
I also made one for my card ideas.
I know digital scrapbooking is becoming so popular but for me I love reliving the moments as I scrapbook. I love having those forgotten memories come to life in my mind again.
Brilliant Idea!! It must have taken along time to put it together but I'm sure will be so worth it!
thank you for your comment. It did take awhile-about a year but the last couple years I've just added to it. It is such a lifesaver when scrapbooking. I get so many pages done in a small amount of time! Time is precious so I have to make the most of it.