Friday, March 27, 2009
Swimming Lessons and Gymnastics!
Angie is putting together the class schedule for the upcoming swim season. Anyone who wants to can call her at 322-0114 to sign up or get more information.
A little about her: She's been teaching for 18 years and has a lot of great experience. She's a stay at home mom of 4. She teaches lessons because she loves it. She creates a positive learning environment to help the kids feel comfortable and have fun. There's only one class in the pool at a time and only 6 children per class. For the beginner classes, a second instructor is also in the water to assist.
And gymnastics! This one I didn't know about, so this is so exciting to me! In fact I'm going to contact her right away to sign up my kids. I don't live too far from her. Thanks Lindsay!...
I have taught gymnastics in the summer for about 10 years, I have never changed my prices because I want to be affordable. I only teach in the summer because we do it outside. I have bars and a beam and mats and a springboard and tons of other equiptment, we just take it outside. Anyway if anyone is interested I teach ages 3-12 or so we start when school gets out which usually ends up being the second week in June to match up with many schools and we go until the end of August. Classes are once a week for one hour and cost 25.00 per month. Anyway if anyone is onterested you can email at or call Lindsay at 631-1902.
The location is on Mcmillan between Can-Ada and Star usually moms get some carpools going though. Pin It
More Lessons!
We have a wonderful piano teacher - she is $40/mo - but we live Five Mile/Victory area, and you may not want to drive that far!
Preschool? I teach preschool in my home and have a few openings left for fall! Feel free to email me at yoderfam at gmail dot com for more info! I have a website, but it still has last years info on it. I'll be updating it soon! Happy Kids Preschool
Swim lessons? Dunkley Family Swim School - Off of Victory just east of Five Mile. I've taken my kids there for years and I love it!
Thanks Cathy! (This woman amazes me. She does everything. I wish I had her energy!) You go girl!! Anyone else?? Let us know!!! Pin It
Lessons in My Town
As far as sports go, we have liked Meridian PAL sports and have done soccer, flag football, and baseball through them. I've heard of a couple of others that are good as well but haven't tried them out. We love the YMCA for Y-Ball (basketball).
I am looking for a piano teacher for my 2 oldest, but I obviously have not been very dilegient. Anyone know of a good one? And affordable?
My daughter takes dance from Macie at Dance-Sessions Studio. It is very affordable, which is nice when it comes to the young, beginner dancers! She does the lessons at her home in her garage studio. Before we moved across our town my daughter took dance from Stephanie at Stephanie's Star Dance. She is also good, and very affordable too and does the lessons from her home as well.
Preschool... Hmmmm, who still doesn't have a full waiting list for this year? I love Miss Susan's Preschool in west Boise, Advantage Preschool in south Meridian, and Shasta's Preschool in west Meridian. (Shasta is still taking sign-ups for this fall I think.) Her phone number is 898-9893 if you are interested.
And for swimming lessons... I have 3 great recommendations. Finz Swim School in west Meridian, oh shoot... I think I lost the other two's info. Check back later on that! Sorry. One of them is in west Boise and the other in south Meridian. Pin It
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Mom-Prenuers in My Town- Christy
Are you planning a birthday party or a wedding this spring? Christy over at Sweet Memories will hook you up with a beautiful cake (or cookie favors) for any special occasion.
I have seen and tasted her creations myself, and am here to tell you that she's got some great talent!
Stay tuned, especially if you are from my town, the next few days for introductions to some more amazing mom-prenuers here in the Boise, Idaho area! Pin It
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A New Widget!
Pin It
Monday, March 23, 2009
My Town Rocks!

I LOVE living here!! I grew up in the beautiful Portland, Oregon area. I lived my high school and college years in amazing California (in the central valley and bay area), then moved here in my early twenties to SW Idaho. This is where I met my husband and plan to raise our family. Both of our families reside here as well, and I don't think anyone plans to go anywhere. My baby sister and her little family are in Kansas at this time, but will probably end up back here as well. So you can say that we are IDAHOANS to the core, and proud of it!

I want to learn about your towns too, so if you post something neat about your town will you please email me with a link?? I may have to come and visit!! I will be flying to Kansas with my other sis for a visit in a couple of months and I CANNOT wait!! I have never been farther west than Arizona- is that sad or what? I hear that Kansas is awesome, and that the people are warm and friendly- just how I like it! I will take pictures when I go and report the great things I find out about there! Are you from the Witchita area? Can you tell me something not to miss out on?
My friend, Amanda has a blog called Don't Get Bored in Idaho. She takes her family to different places around town, then tells us all about them. She has tons of info on her blog about our area and our state, like things to do and tons of links to great recources!
This week I have a lot to share about my town. Stay tuned! Pin It
My Town- LifeStar

I'm thrilled about a new program that is coming to my town this month. It's called the LifeStar Network, and it's designed to help couples struggling with a spouse that is addicted to pornography. I am extremely grateful that pornography is not an issue in my marriage, but I know of too many marriages and souls that are being destroyed by this uncomprehendable addiction. I personally know the clinical director of this program here in Meridian, ID- Shirley Henderson with Cherry Lane Counseling; and she seems greatly optomistic that it will help many poeple in our area.
If you or someone you love is in need of something like this, you can email Shirley at or call 887-1911 for more info.
In fact if you ever need a therapist for anything, I highly recommend Shirley. And anyone else associated with her. She is the best in town in my opinion. I've been a client of hers in the past (that's how I met her). Pin It
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Smart n Savvy Coupon Class in My Town!

Oh, the class is on Tuesday the 31st, from 7pm-9pm at the Country Inn and Suites. Pin It
Monday, March 16, 2009
Calling All Creative Homemakers!!
Since more hours in a day is not an option, I'd like to share your ideas too! Here's what I plan to blog about over the next several months...
Spring break ideas
Home/family management
Home/personal organization
Gardening and Food Storage
Moms on Meds :)
Birthday and party ideas
Weddings and Showers
"Mom-preneurs" around my town and yours
Etsy Shops
Family traditions for summer fun
A few of my own creative "tutes"
Maybe a Giveaway or two!
So here's where YOU come in... Email me at TheCreativeHomemaker[at]gmail[dot]com, and let me know if you do a post about any of these topics listed above. Just send me the direct link of your post (click on your post title itself and copy/paste it in your email message). Then I will link to your blog when I post on these topics!!
I am also going to be taking nominations for the "Creative Homemaker of the Week" awarded to a deserving blogger every Friday (starting in April)! Please email me your nominations starting right now! (I think you can just click on my email link on my sidebar.) Thanks! Can't wait to hear from you!! Pin It
More About Wheat Grinders
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Like My New Background?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I Need a Wheat Grinder

I bake my own bread about once a week or so, but I've been buying (already ground) [red]wheat flour from the store. Once your wheat is ground it loses a lot of it's nutrients while it's being stored, unless you keep it in the freezer. So I've been using lower nutrient wheat for my bread all this time and didn't even realized it. Plus it's red wheat, which is great! But I strongly prefer white wheat over red!! It tastes amazing and has just as many nutrients as the red. The bread is lighter in color, sweeter tasting, and provides a perfect texture; which makes it very kid-friendly!!

I finally went to the church cannery the other day and got 100 pounds of hard white wheat! I never thought I would get so excited over a few bags of WHEAT... but I am absolutely giddy about it! I used my friend's wheat grinder to grind some up right away, and made some delicious bread already. Here and here are my 2 favorite wheat bread recipes.
Also, I learned a lot about wheat from this great website!!
So I need a wheat grinder, but I don't want to spend a fortune. Does anyone know where to find a good one for a good price? Suggestions?? Pin It
Friday, March 13, 2009
My Town Saturday
My Town- Graples

Open Thursdays 10-7 pm
We will be open
Saturday, March 14th
10-3 pm for our
Spring & Summer Decor Event
We will be accepting donations for Lifeline.
Please bring diapers, wipes or other new baby items.
Weather permitting , Bill (Dad) will be selling his delicious funnel cakes.
Our Tuesday night party schedule is filling up quickly.
Graples can be yours for one hour on a reserved Tuesday night
with 15 or more of your invited guests!
To reserve your evening please call Ann 631-9983 or email me at Pin It
My Town- Other Mothers
Hey, I just found out that this Friday and Saturday (March 13&14) Other Mothers in Boise (Fairview/FiveMile) is paying out an extra 10% cash or credit for cribs and toddler beds! That's 55% cash or 65% credit (of the selling price). They will pay an extra 5% on most other baby furniture and equipment as well. This is the highest % you will find in town! Call them at 376-4855 with any questions.
Be sure to tell 'em I sent ya!! :) Have a FAB weekend!! XO Pin It
Other Mothers... How Does it Work?
Other Mothers pays cash or store credit for your gently used maternity & children's clothing, furniture & baby equip. You will get 45% (of selling price) store credit or 30% cash on clothing, shoes, toys, misc. They pay 55% (of selling price) store credit or 45% cash on large items like furniture, equipment & large climbing/riding toys. Your things need to be clean, current style, not on recall, and have all parts. It is not consignment, so you get cash or store credit as soon as they finish processing it. Pin It
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My Town- Another Shade Sale!

This Saturday March 14th, from 9am-3pm Shade Clothing will be having another $5 sale , this time at Griffin Chiropractic! The address is 2016 South Eagle Road, in Meridian (between Overland and Victory). These are the shirts that are discontinued colors and styles. Some may have a slight flaw. Bring cash! No credit cards accepted. Pin It
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Couponing Misdemeanors
I also ran into an old friend at Albertson's a few months ago that took the IP's (Internet Printables) and copied them over and over to use on all of the promo items they were buying. Maybe they were indeed just ignorant, but doesn't common sense say that that is dishonest? Promo sales are too crazy for cashiers to even notice! This was the very reason that the Nampa (Idaho) Wal-mart does not accept IP's anymore, as of recent. Come on you guys!! Let's have some integrity! (BTW, if you don't have a guilty feeling right now then I'm obviously not talking to you.) But there is obviously a problem in the area with fraudulent couponers. This makes me sad. It results in privileges lost for honest people.
And Wags (Walgreens)... They are about to stop their rebate system! I heard as of May it will be no longer. How sad is that? Their reason? Us "couponers". My good friend did some homework yesterday and visited/called several Wags stores, talking to managers and such. The manager of one of the stores heard that she teaches couponing classes and wouldn't even give her the time of day. Another one (at a different store) was just plain rude to her and wouldn't even answer a question she had. (And some others were also very nice too.) She teaches her classes with the rules of couponing and how to do it with integrity, so she was taken back by the one manager that had always been so good to her in the past. Is Wags warn out? Are they being taken advantage of?
One more... Two other ladies stayed up late last night planning their shopping for the big Huggies sale at Walgreens today. When they arrived there were ladies there buying cases of diapers that they had ordered previously, one in particular with like 20 cases, only to go back and clean the rest right off the shelf. I'm sorry, but that is down right greedy. Not only that, where's the common sense on the store manager's part? Wouldn't they think some people might want to come to the store expecting to buy diapers? I'm sorry, but this has got to stop!! Stop taking advantage and start having some integrity, people!!
Now for my disclaimer... Again, if you are feeling offended and/or guilty right now then maybe it's a good time to evaluate yourself. But I am in no way trying to hurt feelings, criticize or put anyone in their place. I don't even know who the offenders even are, and if I do I would never disclose names or hints out of respect for them!! Let's just be careful from now on and help each other do it right. There. I got it out, whew! Thanks for listening.
Next time I post, I promise it will not be about couponing! In fact I have a lot more great things to share with you! Stay tuned, and have a fantastic day!! Pin It
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Giveaway on FabuLESSly Frugal
Here are some things I've personally learned about "couponing" in the past few months...
1. There really are such people as "couponers" (me being one of them now!), and we are not just "coupon clippers". We are down-right couponers, and there is an art (or skill) to it.
2. The vital part of being a skilled couponer is to be organized with it.
3. Couponing is addicting, and can be very consuming if we are not careful!
4. It's fairly time-consuming if you do it right, but as a SAHM it can be our way of helping with the family budget!
5. There are people that make couponing a whole lot easier and save you so much time and headache! Wanna know who they are on my computer?
Pinching Your Pennies is a biggy. If you haven't already, go to PYP and register, first and formost! You can get on their mailing lists for HOT Screamin' deal alerts to be sent to you daily, as well as being able to get on the forums and see what's hot in your area!
The SmartnSavvy Shopper. This is my dear friend, Jenn S's blog. This woman knows her stuff!! She was and is my couponing mentor, and one of the most genuine, and neatest people I know. She's a SAHM of 5 children, and a savvy homemaker. Girl's got talent!
FabuLESSly Frugal
A Thrifty Mom
Making Life Sweet
Krazy Coupon Lady
Living By the Coupon
Being Frugal is Fabulous
Thrifty is Nifty. She's got a lot of family preparedness ideas too!
This is just a handful of the ones I have bookmarked, the ones I visit the most. You will find many more on my right sidebar under "Deal Finders"! Let me know if your site/blog is not on that list and you'd like it to be!! I'd love to add you!
Some of these women offer couponing classes, and the first 5 are from my town. Jenn, the SmartnSavvy Shopper, is taking sign-ups for her upcoming class on March 19th! I highly recommend her class! She also offers one on one training for those interested, and it's SO worth it!
Pin It
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Latest
I've been completely obsessed with couponing! I am SO addicted, and I'm having a blast!! I have always been frugally minded and was raised pinching my pennies. But this is just straight-up FUN!! I am blown away by the amount of money I've been saving lately!! I'm talking about Albertsons, Walgreens and Rite Aid mainly. This last week I did Fred Meyer and Kmart as well. I don't have a lot of extra time though, so I am trying to just stick to the main 3 stores for the biggest deals. Of course I still shop at Winco and Wal-mart for some things.
I have always shopped at Savers and DI. And of course I've been tremendously spoiled by our family-owned store, Other Mothers- (still my most favorite).
I just absolutely refuse to buy anything that is not at least 30-40% OFF. (25% once in a while, but that's pushin' it.) I prefer 50-75% or more. Am I cheap? Not necessarily. I like to think that I'm just creatively thrifty!
I like to watch for clearance sales at Old Navy, Children's Place, Khols, and JCPenny. Those are the best in my opinion. I am like a kid at Disneyland at clearance sales. So I guess you could say that couponing is right up my ally!
Want to see what I've done? Okay! Here's my couponing binder...
Oh, and I'm so excited about this cookbook that I got from Seagull Book here in my town for 70% off. I've been wanting this cookbook for the longest time, but wasn't willing to pay $25 for it. It's the Deceptively Delicious cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld. I'm giddy!!
Stay tuned... tomorrow I will introduce you to my good friend Jenn, an expert couponer who has taught me everything I know! Check back later! XO Pin It