I still need to lose lots of weight, and every time I try, I fail after about 2 weeks. Why can't I stay the course? Why is it so hard to eat healthy and exercise every day? Does it have to be so overwhelming?
I feel totally inspired by Jen and her weight-loss journey. I want to share her link for anyone that is struggling with their weight and/or health. Jen inspires me so much! I have also found some inspiring quotes to share with you that I found on Pinterest. I am going to print a few of them to display around my house to inspire me. Here are a few of my faves...
(I got this one off Jen's blog... love it!)

...I will share more of these another time. In the meantime, I hope this post and link brings inspiration to someone out there. I recently [re]started my weight-loss journey, and I WILL succeed this time. I need all the "fitspiration" I can get!!! Pin It
I read somewhere (Probably on pinterest. :) That's where I read everything.) that it takes 4 weeks for you to notice a difference, 8 weeks for your family, and 12 weeks for others. I am almost to the 4 weeks, and I am starting to feel more toned and fit. Now I keep telling myself that I need to make it 4 more weeks and my family will start to comment on the change. Then 4 more and everyone will notice and hopefully it will be more of a habit by then. I have lost 30 lbs pre pregnancy weight. I has been 4 years since my son's been born, so it averages out to about 7 or 8 lbs a yeear, but imagine if I had instead just given up and let myself gain 7 or 8 lbs a year. That would add up fast over the years. Thanks for a great post!
ReplyDeleteIt has taken me years to find something that works, or maybe it is just that I am finally ready to commit to changing my life and letting go the old. I'm 25 pounds down using Weight Watchers Online. I like it for me, I've tried so many things over the years, even regular WW mtgs, but nothing has worked until now. I, like you, would last about 2 weeks, then regress back. About 2 years ago, I decided to explore the deeper reasons why I could not seem to lose weight. I focussed on the me inside for the last few years. I seem too accomplish so many other things in my life, but had not mastered this one, until now.
ReplyDeleteI feel like it is a journey, I still have a ways to go, but finally feel like this time I can make it. You can too. Keep at it. Thanks for the inspirational story. I can always use a success to help me along.
Wow she is inspiring. She doesn't even look like the same person. Please tell me more abut the "Live The Life" program I read in one of your other posts.
ReplyDeletehi...About 2 years ago, I decided to explore the deeper reasons why I could not seem to lose weight. I focussed on the me inside for the last few years. I seem too accomplish so many other things in my life, but had not mastered this one, until now.
ReplyDeleteSTC Technologies
Have you ever specifically learned about your BMI and whether it is normal. It is recommended that you pay attention to these data to compare with your own. If you are not in the healthy data standard, please don't hesitate to wear NIKSA set activewear and start moving slowly.