Monday, February 27, 2012

Tidbits of Utah {Wedding #2}

We just got back from attending my niece's wedding in the Draper Temple in Utah.
My SIL is helping my talents grow by asking me to do the wedding cake again. I love baking so I know it will at least taste good even though its not perfect on the outside(still trying to get that right).

I used this for the base of the cake. Its a wall mirror-I just took the mirror out and built a wood base to fit inside.

For the top of the cake: I cut a wood "C", spray painted it silver and adorned it with rhinestones.

The ribbons with charms(charms are under the cake plate)for the "Pull Cake". Since my husbands' family is from Argentina, they have a different wedding tradition. All the girls not married get to pull a ribbon from the cake. Whoever pulls the one with the ring is the one who gets married next. I cut some PVC pipes (the same height of the bottom cake)into the bottom cake to adhere the cake plate for the next cake tier.

This is the 3 Tier cake after finishing it. {Before the wedding}

This is the 2 Tier cake for the reception. . . .{After the wedding}
My heart skipped many beats when I saw the cake had fallen over. I had to fix it the best I could. I think between putting too much filling in the cake and the frosting not setting up properly, it just couldn't help but fall over. At least they will have some fun memories!

The reception room(done by the grooms family).

The beautiful Bride & our youngest daughter.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

"Chips" & Dip Snack

Now that I'm trying to eat more healthy, this is one of my favorite snacks.

I cut my own "chips" from 3 tortillas(about 90 calories) and toss them in a little oil. I then sprinkle them with taco seasoning & dried cilantro flakes. Bake at 450 for 15 minutes.
The "dip is made from 1/4 cup salsa & 1/4 cup cottage cheese(about 50 calories). I know the cottage cheese sounds a little different but its good. I have a hard time just eating cottage cheese by itself so this gets my protein without me having to gag it down.
I usually will have this on the days I have a lighter salad for dinner.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

{FingerPrint} People

Our oldest daughter wanted to jazz up her school binder.

She took paint, dipped her thumbs in it and placed it on cardstock paper.

Then she added faces, arms, legs to make people & critters of her friends.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Letter Colage

I did this on top of the present I gave my niece last month.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine FHE

We had one of the best Family Home Evenings last night. Not just because it was simple but it had a lot of
meaningful moments.

We talked about {REAL LOVE}. I read this quote: "Real love enlarges the soul. It helps us to bite our tongue when it would be easy to say hurtful words. It gives us an understanding heart that is filled with compassion for another. It enables us to be more patient with others' imperfections and acknowledges our own. The miracle of real love is that those who choose to love blossom under the sunshine of trust and appreciation-they even become more lovable. Whenever we make a choice for lasting love, we grow. Our hearts expand in kindness; our minds are more open to another's point of view. Love is an act of will-namely, both an intention and an action. "Will" implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love."
-[from the Spoken Word February 15 2005]

Then we each took our paper heart: wrote our own name on it, then passed it to our left so the next person could write on it. We wrote something that we LOVE about that person. We kept passing until everyone could write on each one. Lots of Laughs & Smiles!

The activity for FHE we made our {yearly} valentine tradition cookies (recipe & how to here) for their classmates.


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Easy Heart Wreath

I finally made a craft! It's been a while, since I'm now a working mom. But I needed something new for my front door for Valentine's month! So I created a simple heart-shaped wreath from 3/4 yard of fabric and 2 old wire hangers. Wanna make one?

Here's what you'll need:
-2 wire hangers
-3 (1/4 yard pieces) of fabric in coordinating colors
-Heavy-duty wire cutter/plyers
-Sewing scissors or rotary cutter
Preparing the Wire Heart:
1. "Un-twist" the hangers to pull them apart. (I did not need the plyers for this.) Squeeze the curved "hanger" part into an oval shape, so it can be used to hang the wreath! (This will be at the top/center of the heart.)
2. Cut one of the hangers in half with the heavy-duty plyers. (You only need 1 1/2 hangers for this project.)
3. Using the heavy-duty plyers, twist the 1 1/2 hangers together (with their already twisted parts).
4. Connect the ends at the top/center of the heart with plyers. (This will require some "elbow grease".)
5. Bend at the opposite end to make the bottom tip of the heart, then shape the rest of it into desired heart-shape.

Preparing the Fabric Strips:
1. Cut each of the three 1/4 yard (9") fabric pieces in half length-wise (which will leave you with 6 strips that measure 4 1/2 x 44").
2. Double up the fabric strips (or more depending on the quality of your scissors or rotary cutter) and cut about 1" strips all the way down. (You will end up with tons of little strips measuring about 1" x 4 1/2 ".)
3. Organize the strips into their own 3 groups.

Putting it Together:
1. Turn on a good chick-flick movie and get cumfy.
2. Tightly tie on all the little fabric strips to the wire heart in your desired pattern. (You do not have to tie a double knot.)
3. You're done! Hang up your wreath and show it off!! (In fact, take a pic and show me too!)

Happy Valentine's Day!! Love, Angela
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Monday, February 6, 2012

{Be Mine} Valentine Decor

I had this frame left over after redoing our daughters' room.

Cut the "wood lath" to fit the width of the frame(10"x10"). Drill 2 holes in the top for future fabric strip.

Before painting the board, tape the back.

Paint boards pink.

Paint frame red.

Use the negative part of the vinyl for the image transfer. {You can buy the vinyl image here}

Spray the image white. Spray a few coats.

Sand the image to give it an "aged" look.
Glue the boards into the frame.

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Valentine Quote Block

I have a banister at the top of our stairs that I like to put decorations on. You can see the decoration from the stairs and the playroom. So to make it double duty, I took a simple 2x4. . .

I really liked how I painted the Countdowns with red and pink then sanded it to give the "aged" look. I cut the 2x4 to 9 inch in length.

I added my vinyl quotes. . .

Side 1

Side 2

{you can buy the vinyl here}

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tissue Paper Heart Block

Just another item out of my scrap wood.

I started with wood that measures 7" x 9" x 1 1/2".

I painted the wood then added the circles like I painted here for this project.

I crumpled up some tissue paper and brushed on the glue(mod podge) between the 2 layers with a coat of glue on top. If you don't want to see the natural wood color then paint the wood heart the same color as the tissue paper.

Cut off the excess tissue paper with an xacto knife and sand the edges.

Spray with a clear protective coat. Adhere the vinyl "love" word (buy here) and attach a mesh ribbon.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Spread the LOVE this month!!!
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