Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Church Bag Activities {Part 2 of 5}


Magnets (they love these so much we've had them since our oldest was little-about 10 yrs now)

Magnetic sand to create on a face.

Stitching Cards with Gospel Pictures. I just printed the pictures on card stock paper.

I started with these stitching cards (found these at Michaels" & used my 40% coupon)

I wound the laces on the ribbon cards (found at scrapbook stores/walmart) so they wouldn't get lost or tangled up.

Cut out the pictures and place them face down on the Contact paper (like I did here in this post)

Use double stick tape so it adhere's to the stitching card.

Adhere to the front. I did both sides of each card.


  1. What a simple way to make is gospel related!

  2. These are really great ideas--thanks!

  3. I got here off pinterest - I LOVE the idea of turning lace-up cards into a more churchy version of themselves. I'll be doing that before this next Sunday!

  4. Where could I look for those magnets? Those look like lots of fun! (I know you have had them for awhile so who knows...but I looked online and didn't see anything like them).

  5. Paige- I have seen the magnets at school supply places. Its also with science experiment areas.

  6. I have been searching your blog for a while and cannot find the rest of this series with the other weeks. Please help me.

  7. I should get a bag of goodies ready just in case we are ever able to take the granddaughter to church with us again!! (the optimist in me will probably do this!)..
    Thanks for the ideas. :)

  8. The magnet set looks like Reeves Geomag. You can buy them on Amazon--but the magnetic balls are not attached to the rod. They are small magnetic balls. If you have any concern about your child putting them in your mouth, do not buy them.


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