Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday Tutorial- Inspired Living

I still haven't had time to gather pics of the tutorial I want to share with you next. But I have an even better treat for you...

I found a blog by a woman named Angie, called Inspired Living. I LOVE her blog. She seems to be a very creative, inspiring homemaker. I feel inspired by her and am enjoying learning from her great tips, recipes, how-to's, thoughts and new finds! Her blog is worth stalking! :)

She's got some pie recipes and step-by-steps with pictures. Plus, I love her tip for cutting corn and her Granny Annie's creamed corn recipe!

Thanks for your inpiration Angie!!


  1. Thank you for your comment on my blog! I love your site and you helpful hints. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us.
    And now I want some apple pie..yummy!

  2. Thank You for spreading good gossip about my homemaking blog. As women and mothers it is a blessing to help inspire others to create a balanced home. Your blog is inspiring to me too and I am so thankful we can share in our experience and journey.

  3. Yum...off to check her out now. I am a first time visitor and loving the browsing. :)

  4. Yum...off to check her out now. I am a first time visitor and loving the browsing. :)


Thank you for your comments!