Saturday, September 8, 2012

T-Shirt Rug

My SIL moved into a new home so I thought this would be a nice homecoming gift: This RUG is made out of recycled t-shirts. I was inspired with this detailed tutorial, go here.
Cut 1" x 4" strips of t-shirt(found at second hand store). I cut up 4 men's XL shirts and used the whole shirt of each.
Sew them on a hand towel(which I also found at the second hand store)along the drawn lines. I got about 30 strips on each line.

It feels so comfortable and looks so cool! Now I need to make me one.
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1 comment:

  1. The heat press that I and several other commercial tee shirt printers use permits the temperature, time and pressure to be set. This gives a perfect press time after time. black t shirts


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