Thursday, August 23, 2012

ABC Sunday Quiet Book

I mentioned I would post this idea when I did this post (the items we keep in our church bag). Sorry it took me so long. I regret to say that none of this is a printable(I don't have that type of program on my computer, one day. . . . .). I hope it will inspire you to make one that is unique to your kiddo. I did get the copyrighted pictures from here & here. And the clipart from here and here. Then I also used word stickers from the craft stores.
I love how this book helps Taidan(as it did with our girls) to focus on the Savior.
A-Articles of Faith
B-Baptism (Matthew 3:13-15)
C-Church (D&C 59:9)
D-my Dad holds the Priesthood
E-Eternity (D&C 132:9)
F-Faith(Alma 32:21)
G-Garden of Eden
  H-Heavenly Father
I-I am a child of God
J-Joseph Smith
K-Kneel to Pray
L-Love (3 Nephi 17:21)
M-Missionaries (Mosiah 1:7)
N-Noah & the Ark
Q-Quorum of the 12 Apostles
U-Utah Pioneers
V-Vision (1 Nephi 8:11)
W-Whole Armor of God
Z-Zion (Moses 7: 18-21)
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"GREEN" Grocery Bag

I've needed some fabric bags to go Grocery Shopping so I don't have so many of the plastic ones to recycle.
I found this GREEN tank top at Goodwill for $2.00. I love the built in "handles".
Turn the tank inside out and sew the bottom opening. 
I did a couple times for added strength.
 My Grocery Bag finished. 
Now onto the other ones. . . 
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

POOL Towel Station

I finally figured out a simple solution to the POOL Towel problem. We have a pool in our neighborhood, so during this summer we have gone almost everyday. We have gone through towels worse than when they take their "during the week" showers. And they usually end up on the floor and stay there until we go to the pool again. Ugh!
I realized this place in our garage where I could hang the wet towels to dry but when we needed them they are ready to go for the next time. Then at the end of the week we can wash them.
I just used a frame I had. Then added some stickers for the title on some "water" scrapbook paper. I adhered some hooks (found at Walmart) under the frame.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Flavored Water

I've been drinking about 10 cups of water a day. Since its getting a little boring I figured out that I can flavor it .

I use these syrups(found at Cash & Carry store). It gives it enough flavor but it still tastes like water (if that makes any sense).

 I put 2 sqirts(= about 2 TBl.) in a 12 oz. cup of ice water. Pina Colada & Coconut are my favorite.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Homemade Un-Crustable Sandwiches

I am sooo EXCITED to have found this new kitchen gadget for making sandwiches.
Last week I was getting bread for sandwiches and this Kitchen Tool (at Walmart)was hanging by it. Our kids love sandwiches without the crusts. I always have to cut the crusts off(unless its homemade) the bread- its a pain but I love my kids so I do it. Sometimes we will will buy the "uncrustables" but their not as versatile, healthy and a little on the spendy side.
With this Tool all you have to do is place the tool on the bread. Push down the white first then the red. Automatically you have a uncrusted pillow pocket sandwich-the "insides" have endless possibilities.

 Thank you Wonder for coming up with such a Fabulous idea!!!
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Friday, August 3, 2012

{M&A} Bridal Shower

I was so excited when my cousin asked if I could host a Bridal Shower for her brother who is getting married. The bride to be is so sweet, I had to make it special. I found some great deals so I didn't have to spend too much.
I made this yard pick using a Real Estate sign base. Then drilled holes & glued on a piece of wood that I made into a chalkboard. It can be used it for any occasion. 
Entry Way.
Tissue Pom Poms (above the food table).
"The Better Bargain" Game: #1-10. Each number had 2 items. They had to guess which one was cheaper(the better bargain). The Bride was able to take all these items with her.
The Food Table.
Menu Board(that she gets to keep). I glued a frame(that I purchased at second hand store) onto a piece of wood, painted it then painted the center into a chalkboard.
Personalized items.
Dips with crackers and fruit. I used dollar store frames with dry erase markers for food labeling.
Different kinds of cookies(she gets to keep the jars).
Date Night Ideas.
Aulina's Lego Bride.
Another Aulina creation.

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