Friday, March 30, 2012

{Wrapping Up} for a Wedding Idea#2

My friend's daughter is getting married today. I love how their Wedding Gift turned out!

I made this gift with wood slats and sanded the paint to give the "aged" look.

I LOVE this quote and I love to personalize items.

The top box is filled with dinner napkins so I used that for the vinyl name.

I added a fabric strip garland with my scraps(on jute string) then attached a wooden "T"(got for 20 cents at Michaels) then "aged" the edges with my stamp pad.

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  1. That is one of the cutest things I have seen!! What font did you use for the sign?

  2. thank you Tammy! the names were in "Solemnity" font. The "&" was in Fontleroy Brown NF font.

  3. i really like your blog it amazing


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