Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bridal Shower for Rachel

My niece is getting married next month so her Bridal Shower was today.
Oh, how sweet it is to be reminded of young Love.

I made this "Towel Girl" inspired from here but the tutorial to put it together is here.

The hair piece in the Towel Girl is actually for Rachel to wear.

The Towel Girl's dress are towels from the Dollar store that I added some strips of ribbon to one and a fabric "C" to the other.

To make the flower on the top towel, I cut a strip of fabric from a Tshirt. Start winding then twist then wind and so on.

Sew the flower onto the towel in a circular stitching pattern. Attach some beads in the middle.

"It's All Good" is their menu board for meals. I painted their initials in the corner to personalize it.

While Rachel opened gifts we played Bridal Shower Bingo. It was a fun way to be involved in the gift opening.


  1. Cute idea and that little towel girl is to CUTE!



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