Saturday, September 10, 2011

Grandparents are Great

Since tomorrow is National Grandparents Day, I thought I would show you a "great" gift I made for my mom a couple of years ago.

I was inspired by this book(by Gaby Goldsack) I read to our son.

This is my version. I got a board book at the second hand store to alter.


Our family pictures.

My mom & me. In the pocket on the right, I wrote a note to her telling her why she is a "great" grandma to our kids.

In the pages following I had each of the kids, on their page, write why they love her.

I know this is special to her because she displays it in her living room on the fireplace mantle.

Aren't GrandParents Great????


  1. I LOVE this idea!!!! Did you use modge podge to get it to stick or what?? I'm so curious because I totally want to make one of these! Thank you so much for the great idea! :)

  2. I LOVE this idea!!!! Did you use modge podge to get it to stick or what?? I'm so curious because I totally want to make one of these! Thank you so much for the great idea! :)


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