Monday, November 15, 2010

Teaching My Children WORK, Gratitude and Service- Part I

I LOVE this time of year! It's such a perfect opportunity to teach our children some very important values. I like to take full advantage of our Family Home Evenings in this regard, and it's so exciting to me!

I take a parenting class (that I've been taking on/off for the last 9 years or so cuz I just can't get enough of Carleen Tanner). And something she said recently in class is that some of the most important things we need teach our children is WORK, GRATITUDE and SERVICE; (and of course out of the 20+ class topics each year, 3 of them are on one of the above).

Anyway, so I figured I would start off this holiday season with a FHE lesson on WORK. I found a great lesson that was really effective on an awesome blog (that I recently found) called FAMILY HOME EVENINGS TO GO. Lara is so talented!

I have done and plan to do more lessons on WORK, and encorporate new things whenever we are ready for them, including allowance, money management, etc.
I also found some great articles on the web to read on the topic of WORK. Are you ready? There are lots!

Be sure to check back tomorrow for part II... Teaching GRATITUDE!


  1. Did you say you are currently taking her class? I am... and I am LOVING it!

    Thanks for the links, I'll be wandering my way through them. I'm in charge of FHE lesson tonight and still don't have a plan. Yikes.

  2. Hi Angela,
    I just read your new post and barely figured out that you even have comments on your posts. I had gone to leave a couple over the last week and never saw a place to click. Even now the only way I could get to them was by clicking on the individual post since they're not on the home page at all. Anyway, if I haven't told you yet...I love your blog. I love all your fun, creative ideas. Thanks again for including my links. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

  3. Family evenings with a child is wonderful. But unfortunately, due to the constant lack of time, parents who are constantly busy with work do not always succeed in staying with a child, helping him with homework, for example, writing an essay. But do not be scary when there is a essay writing service that will always come to the rescue from a difficult moment.

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