Saturday, April 3, 2010

{Our} Easter Traditions

I just wanted to share a couple of our Easter Traditions our children LOVE to do and look forward to.

1-Flashlight Egg Hunt: We do this on the night before Easter when it is totally dark. Each child has their own flashlight and they get to find a certain number of shimmery eggs + 1 golden egg. This year I think I'm not going to fill them with so much candy but with things like hair accessories, breath mint bottles, mini toys and some candy. The golden egg is filled with either money or a gift certificate for a free meal or treat(at a restaurant).

2-Easter Bunny Leaves a Trail: Instead of the Easter Bunny leaving just the basket of goodies on Easter morning he leaves a trail of clues and they have to "hunt" for their bag/basket. They each have a specific color of egg that leads from clue to clue. I start in their rooms and go thru the house. They can only look for their eggs. At the end they find a matching colored bag/basket with goodies inside.
1-I've left a trail of eggs just for you, look only for yours that are a color of _____.

For egg #1, go where your ________ have fun.

1-For egg #2, look for something bright in a smelly shoe.

2-For egg #3, you'll find it hidden in a tree.

3-For egg #4, look behind any upstairs door.

4- For egg #5, you can swim but not dive.

5-For egg #6, go where items get a fix.

6-For egg #7, its sitting with someone who lives in Heaven.

7-For egg #8, go where mom makes food great.

8-For egg #9, look where books are in a row just fine.

9-For egg #10, for your surprise look behind __________. Happy Easter!


3-Scripture Story: After Easter dinner we refresh their memory of why we celebrate Easter. Each egg containing the next part of the story. To make the egg carton look cute, I mod podged some fabric, glued ribbon on and put vinyl that said "the greatest story ever told".


  1. such great family traditions especially the easter story, it is important to remember that too. happy easter!

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  3. Heather, I found you off of sugardoodle. How are you? It is so fun to find your cute site!! You always have such great ideas! Steph and I always talk about you and wonder how you are doing. It has been so long! We moved to France about 8 months ago for Mike's work. We have one more month here and then we move to Utah for his work. I was excited to find you and wanted to say hello!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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