Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hair Accessories Holder

I was so inspired by Angela to make some hair accessories(thanks Ang!) that I needed to make a holder for them.

1-A cupboard door (a picture frame would work also) with a beadboard insert.

2-Spray painted it black.

3-For the ribbon part: Fold a piece of fabric(4 inches in length) in 1/2 and put the ends into the middle then put the white ribbon in between them.

4-Sew around each side forming a square.

5-Glue the ribbon onto the back of the board.

6-I did a bead of glue around the edge then sprinkled it with glitter.

7-I love how the vinyl lettering came out: "I am Divine". I love what the word "divine" means. I wanted my girls to have a daily reminder that they are Divine (the pretty hair clips are just a bonus). Then in the top corners I put some hooks for the headbands. Now all I have to do is make some more hair clips to fill up the ribbons. I'm so excited. Oh, the possiblilities!

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