Saturday, April 17, 2010

Carry Along {Stitching Bag}

I was inspired the other day at my Parenting class. This woman had used the plastic bags (used for bed sheets) to put her knitting project in. I then realized it would be perfect for my hand embroidery supplies. If I know I'm going to be somewhere I could do it then I just grab my personalized Stitching Bag.

1-BEFORE . . .

2-Punch holes in the top (for "handle") to insert scrapbooking eyelets. Cut a piece of thin twine (mine was 20").

3-Cut your desired color of fabric strips into 1" x 7". You can trim later if there is too much excess.

4-Tie each strip into a double know onto the twine.

5-When finished with all the fabric strips then put the twine thru the eyelets and tie a knot on the underside.

6-Your "handle" is complete.

7-It had an inside pocket so I made my own "label".

8- AFTER. . . . Happing Stitching(or yarning)!


  1. What a great idea. I really love the fabric handle!

  2. You are a genious. I have tons of these plastic bags, I save them thinking that I'll come up with something brilliant. They are all still shoved in each other. I love this idea. The fabric handle makes the project!

    kerstin @


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