Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday Tutes and Tips- Deck the Halls-Christmas and The Giving Star

Brenda over at Deck the Halls Christmas is sharing all of her fun, festive Christmas inspiration. Her whole blog is devoted to the magic of Christmas. I love it! She has a yummy-looking ch-chip cookie recipe that I want to try, along with lots of ideas and inspiration to put us in the Christmas spirit! This mother of 6 really knows her stuff, so let's go get inspired by Brenda!

*Do you have a neat family Christmas tradition you would love to share? If so, please leave a comment; or email me with your link and I will plug it in with one of my posts!

**Also, what do YOU do to bring the true meaning of Christmas into your home? I want my kids to really "get it" this year and not dwell SO much on the gifts and goodies. Is it really possible?? Please share!

I'm working on just that, and so far so good. We focused a lot on gratitude last month. This month I am trying to emphasize service- giving of ourselves, not of things.

Last night I implemented a new tradition that I read about on a PYP (Pinching Your Pennies) forum. I got a wooden star and helped the kids work together to paint and decorate it. We call it our "Giving Star". I read them a short Christmas story (about giving and service) and we discussed what it all meant.

How the Giving Star works: The "gift" giver secretly does something nice for a family member and leaves behind the star, then that person has to think of someone else to do something for, and it goes around and around until Christmas. I'm excited to give this a try!

Okay, there's one of my ideas (via another creative mom on PYP), now it's your turn to share...


  1. LOVE this web sight you found of brenda's. It is fabulous, so many great new ideas. I love the idea of the christmas journal, I think I'll start it today...I need to come see your adorable star.
    The ch. chip cookie recipe is the one and only one I have used since I was 10, and before that my mom made them. The only thing I do instead, I don't like a strong butter flavor, so instead of the cup of butter, I do a cup of crisco. And I do a good full 1/2 tsp of salt instead of 1 tsp salt, I don't like salty cookies either! Let me know how it goes! yummm.

  2. Thanks Angela, you're awesome! You brightened my day!


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