Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday Tutorial- Sack Lunch

It's that time of year again- packing lunches for the kiddos before they leave for school. Last week my friend, Andrea told me a great tip that I had never thought of before.

She said that if you put frozen grapes in the lunch box, they will double as an edible ice-pack to keep the lunch cool. Yeah, that sounds way cool! I'm going to have to try that this week. Thanks for the tip, Andrea!
Another tip I learned from my friend Katie. How to make non-soggy PB&J sandwiches. Simply spread the peanut butter on both pieces of bread, and the jam won't soak in and make the sandwich soggy. Thanks Kate!

I don't know about you, but putting lunches together every morning (for me) gets old really fast. I run out of lunch ideas. I worry if my lunches are nutritious enough, or if my kids really will eat everything I send for them.
I found some sites online that have some good ideas and tips on sack (or box) lunches. Here they are for you to check out... Be a WAHM, Scribbit, Meal Makeover Moms, and Family Fun

What do YOU do to make your kids' (and/or husband's) sack lunches more interesting and edible?


  1. Thanks for linking to me, so very nice of you!

  2. Hi Angela:

    Thanks for linking to us! We are now with a new hosting company and get notified of incoming links. We wanted to tell you we just relaunched our website- www.MealMakeoverMoms.com -let us know what you think. It now features over 100 kid-friendly recipes, a weekly radio podcast, our blog, mealtime tools, and lots more.

    All the best,
    Janice & Liz


Thank you for your comments!