Monday, April 15, 2013

Kids Jello Cups

In efforts to save money on my kids' lunches; 
I'm making and stocking up again on the Jello Cups.

I mix the jello according to the package and then
 put the mixture into these 3 1/4 oz. Portion Cups
[I get the portion cups at a local store called Cash and Carry but Costco sells the 2 oz. size]. 
Out of 1 package I can get 8 cups worth.
Store bought= $2.00 + tax (for 8/Walmart pricing)
Homemade=    $0.68 + tax (for 8/ Walmart pricing)

It will add up too quick so this is a great savings. 
Plus you have the option to mix flavors if you're feeling wild and crazy!
I LOVE saving money!!!

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Homemade Outdoor Window Cleaner

The DIRTY windows drives me nuts!
 Its been awhile since I attempted to clean them. 
So I found a solution to this problem: make some Window cleaner!

I have posted the recipe for you below(I got it from here):
1/2 bottle (3.5 oz) of Jet Dry
4 Tbl. Alcohol
1/4 cup Ammonia
1/4 cup powdered Dishwasher Soap (I used Walmart brand)
2 gallons HOT water

Dissolve the Dishwasher Soap into the Hot water. 
Then add the rest of the ingredients into a plastic bucket or tub. 
Step 1: Spray the window with the hose
Step 2: Wipe the window down with a microfiber 'mop" in the cleaning solution
Step 3: Spray with the hose again. 
Air dry. 

**TIP: I found that I had better results when I used a squeegee
to remove the excess water instead of just letting it air dry.

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Friday, April 5, 2013

Heather's {Bath Salt}

Bath's are so soothing.
Between the cold weather and my latest hardcore workouts,
I have needed some extra soothing!
I found this recipe but then added my own touch. . .
2 cups Kosher salt
6 cups Epsom Salt
1 (26 oz.= 3 cups) Calgon
2 cups powdered milk
1 (4 oz.) soap bar "Kiss My Face" Olive and Lavendar-grated
Directions: Mix all the ingredients together then
add 1/3 to 1/2 cup to bath water.
[This batch will fit into a 1 gallon ice cream bucket]

Salt: detoxifies and exfoliates the skin
Epsom Salt: helps the body absorb magnesium, relieves pain/cramps, removes toxins from skin
Calgon and Powdered Milk: makes the skin soft
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