Friday, December 21, 2012

Fabric {Ogee} Ornament

 I thought this ornament was so beautiful. Go here for a great tutorial.
I had some leftover Christmas fabric to use. 
Cut some felt (I used felt and corduroy) 5"x 5" square. Glue them together with "HeatnBond".
I made my own template so it would go faster when cutting. I used a very sharp box knife.
You could stitch them together at the points but I used "Liquid Stitch".
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Present {Name} Gift Tags

I love using monogrammed letters.
 I thought it would be fun to do this for the kids' presents. 
Then I thought it would look cute to add this to the gifts we gave the neighbors, our friends and family.

 I just printed it up in a square in Microsoft Publisher.
 Just repeat the name. Cut and Paste. 
Used a letter template to cut out the letter. Use a hole punch for the hole.
They are ready to be attached to the presents!
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas {2012} Neighbor Gifts

This year for our neighbors and friends.
"Milk & Cookies"(aka Hot Cocoa & Candy Cane Pecan Cookies)
I put the Hot Chocolate in these cups and the cookies in these bags(last year bargain).
 I also added the recipe-so important, this is a must!
We added these tags to let them know who its from. Go here for a printable. So cute!

Hot Chocolate recipe(go here)

Candy Cane Pecan Cookies
Beat together:
1 cup butter (softened)
1 1/2 cup granulated sugar
then add:
2 eggs
then add:
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
3 cups all purpose flour
Scoop out with an ice cream scooper. Bake at 375 for 8-9 minutes.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

{Christmas Countdown} #1

I'm still one of the Activity Day Leaders in our ward.
I had some extra wood to make these Christmas Countdowns.
I spray painted them red, drilled holes for the fabric ribbon and cut little squares(2"x2") for the chalkboard to write the numbers counting down. I used Martha Stewart's recipe(1 cup flat paint + 2 TBL. of unsanded tile grout). The Behr "sample" containers make a great amount, its flat sheen & you can add the grout to it.
 For the chalk: I drilled a bigger hole in these balls for the chalk to sit in. We just hot glued them on.
They just had to add vinyl, ribbon and glue things on. It was a great activity!

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas {2012} Gifts for Teachers

Again this year, teachers were given love with homemade gifts.
They will get Homeopathic Packs (one with rice(leftover fabric), the other with flaxseed(sock was walmart clearance)-which stay warmer longer), a couple of magnets and some hot chocolate with cookies.
I carved this magnet from MDF molding(its a softer wood)
I use my Dremel tool. . .
with this tip.
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Friday, December 14, 2012

{Personalized} Snowman Wreath

Every year for Christmas, our in-laws from California send us the cutest Christmas decorations.

We received this one last year. I'm so excited to see what this years' will be.
She even had them personalize it!
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

{Ho Ho Ho} Hanging

For Christmas, my friend Keva has this cute sign on her front door. 
It inspired me to make mine own.
Here is mine. . .
I cut some wooden letters (6 inches tall). 
Then I Mod Podged the sheet music on(found this at the second hand store)

Glue the "Ho's" onto the painted board ( 25"x 7")and add ribbon/fabric to hang.
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Monday, December 10, 2012

Nativity #2

Question: What do you do when you have a  leftover hay bail from Halloween/Thanksgiving. . . 
and a wooden nativity set(I love this set I made a few years ago). . . 
Answer: You use them for a Christmas Nativity Front Porch Decoration.

I added sticks(chopsticks) to the back to poke them into the hay bail.

Poke them into the hay to make a manger scene. I added some wood scraps to make a "Stable".
You can go here & go here for a printable pattern.

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Friday, December 7, 2012

{JOY} Door Wreath

I had lots of extra supplies around the house for this project.
Here Goes. . .
I started with a 10 inch stitching hoop.
Tie on 7 inch strips. Alternate knotting the tie-one on the side then the next one on the top and so forth.
Go around until finished.

I cut some  9 inch letters for the "J" & "Y".
I spray painted an extra wooden hanger to match the red letters.
Tie the hoop and the letters onto the hanger.
Its ready to hang on the door.
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