Thursday, July 19, 2012

Scripture Tote Makeover

When my daughter turned 8 we got her new scriptures and a scripture tote in her favorite color, green. It was kind of plain and not real girly-looking, so I got a pretty pin with her initial and some bling to try and it up a bit. It wasn't quite right by itself, so I found some grossgrain ribbon that matched perfectly to add.

I used floral wire to hold the 2-piece bow together, hot glued the little pearl strands over the center, Fray Checked the ends of the ribbon tails, then hot glued the bow onto the scripture tote. I attached the pin and got glued the clasp shut. Done! My daughter was pleased with the finished product, and I was grateful that it was quick and easy.

I forgot to snap a shot of Hailey's green tote before I started, so here is my son's identicle [blue] scripture tote next to hers.

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