Friday, March 16, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Napkin Holder

I knew I could figure out a project to make with the stash of shower curtain rings I found at the second hand store. I thought these
Napkin Rings would be fun to use for our special St. Patrick's Day meals.

Supplies: strips of green fabrics(about 10" in length) & shower curtain rings (second hand store or Dollar store).

Start tying the fabric strips (double knot) randomly around the ring.

Take the fabric and put it between your thumb and the blade of the scissors. Push down enough that the fabric will curl like ribbon.

Done all the way around.

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  1. So cute! I love this! So easy too! I pinned it so I could try it. Thank you for posting this! I read your blog all the time. You have some very fun things.

    Emily (from

  2. Thank You for pinning it & following our creative adventures!! I almost didn't pin this one but because of your comment I'm glad I did. Thanks again!


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