Thursday, December 16, 2010

Last-Minute Teacher Gifts?

Oh no! Tomorrow is the last day of school before Christmas break and my children's teachers' Christmas gifts are still somewhere between "shipped" and my doorstep. Time is running out, and I need to figure out a back-up plan. Fast! If any of you are in the same boat, I found a couple of links that gave me some great ideas. (Now I just need to decide which one I want to do and do it! "Tick-Tock-Tick...")

Ideas from the Dollar Stretcher
Ideas from
Ideas via SassySites blog


  1. thanks for the shout out! I'm your newest follower! xoxo!!

  2. Here's a link to my Teacher Appreciation gift ideas - handmade by me for the kids' teachers this past year....hope you enjoy :-)


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