Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey & Pie

I know this comes after Thanksgiving but I just had to share these Fabulous recipes. {Sorry the pics aren't that great- I had to hurry and take them before they got eaten!}

This years Turkey was the best one I've ever had. It was tender & juicy. I usually like eating the dark meat because it is more tender & moist than the white meat. This year is the changing point. I was inspired by Martha Stewart & Alton Brown but I found one here. I will not cook another turkey any other way but this one. You put it in a BRINE for 24 hours before cooking it.

Brine Recipe I did:
1 gallon chicken broth + 1 jug beef broth
1 1/2 cup Kosher salt
1 Tablesppon dried Rosemary
1 Tablespoon dried thyme
2 Tablespoons peppersorns
Put all this in a pot to boil then let cool.
Put turkey in a large bucket [sprig of basil -in cavity]. Then pour the brine over the Turkey. Fill the rest of the bucket up with ice water until the turkey is totally covered. Put it in the frig for 24 hours before cooking. Discard brine after use. My turkey was a 24 lb. & I cooked it for 3 1/2 hours at 350.
FYI: There will be a little discolorization because of the Brine.
{I think the next time I try it, I might add a few more seasonings for extra flavor}

Chiffon Pumkin Pie Recipe ( handed down from my Grandma):
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup water
3 egg yolks (keep whites)
3/4 cup canned/cooked pumpkin

Put all ingredients in a double boiler on med-high heat. Stir often for about 10 mins. Let cool. In a seperate bowl beat the egg whites until stiff then mix in 1/4 cup sugar. Fold in the egg whites to pumpkin mixture. Pour into a baked pie crust. Put in frig to set. Best tasting if made the day before needing it.

Because I've grown up on this on yummy pie, I can't eat other baked pumpkin pies. This is one tradition I love!


  1. I have brined my turkey the last two times. The recipe I found is a little citrus. I also tried this year what they suggested of Brining it for 6-12 hours (or overnight), than taking it out of the brine and letting it sit in the fridge to dry out for 6-8 hours. Oh my the letting it rest made it that much better. It is amazing how moist it is. I also love the smell of the orange and apple juice.

  2. Thanks Katie-I'll try putting some citrus juices in it next time. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Gosh! It all looks so delicious. In Canada our Thanksgiving is in the beginning of October, but I have family and friends in the USA who celebrate their Thanksgiving in November. So, I can celebrate it twice, one after the other, if I take a trip down south. I love turkey. I think I shall try this way of doing it next time.


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