Friday, October 22, 2010

"Flax" Eggs

My sister, who is "vegan", shared with me an insightful tip to cooking.
Using Flax Seeds combined with water to = eggs.

She made this Chocolate Zucchini Bread that was great and I didn't know it didn't have any eggs in it. Flax Seeds(when ground) are supposed to be really healthy for you. [She mentioned she got her seeds at Winco in the bulk section. Then you just grind them up. Best kept in frig to keep the nutrients though.]

I so excited to now try different recipes to put these in (plus if I run out of eggs).

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU!!! I love the flax seed tip! I was on the look out for the egg replacement for Vegans when I saw your tip. I happen to have flax seed here and am ready to get cooking!


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