Thursday, August 26, 2010

{Lunch} Tote Holder

The girls love having cold lunch to take to school. This year (instead of using paper bags) we got some fabric lunch totes from Walmart. So they wouldn't get lost or misplaced, I decided to make this Lunch Tote Holder to hang in our Pantry.

I found a left over drawer face from the 2nd hand store.

I gathered these knobs from my mom's old dresser.

I painted, sanded the edges and drilled the holes for the knobs.

I cut and mod podged (underneath & on top)a piece of fabric for the middle inset.

Add knobs and its ready to hang.

From trash to A treasure.

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love that lunch tote hanger! I love the contrst between the blue and the fabric.


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