Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Linked up to TipJunkie.com

Laurie over at TipJunkie has been one of my fave bloggers for the last few years. I've been featured on her blog/site a few times. Since I got so busy and inconsistent with my posts for a while I haven't been on the computer much, therefore no blogging OR "blog-jogging" for me for the past few months. Since I'm "back" I noticed that Laurie is hosting a Christmas Show & Tell. So I linked up some of my Christmas posts from this year and last. It looks like she's gotten a great response. I'm going to bookmark her post for next year's holiday inspiration! Head on over if you would like to share your link too!


  1. I am so glad your back! You and Heather have so many great ideas!

  2. I'm happy you are back! I've missed you!


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