Sunday, July 5, 2009

Birthday Month and a Giveaway!

For me, JuLy is BiRtHdAy month!! Why? Because...
July 2- my SON, bro-in-law
July 3- niece
July 4- AMERICA, cousin
July 6- sister, niece
July 8- niece
July 14- ME!!
July 18- niece
July 22- bro-in-law
July 23- sis-in-law

So in lue of so many birthdays in my world, including my own, I am proclaiming JULY as my Birthday Blogging Month!! (All posts related to birthdays.)

So spread the word... If you read my blog and your birthday is in JULY, leave me a comment on this post with your name and birthday. (Do not have to say the year.) On July 14 (my birthday) I will randomly choose one of YOU (using the random generator) and send a surprise birthday gift to you from me by the end of the month! (Don't worry... it will be something good!) If you were not born in July, you may nominate a girlfriend with a July birthday. You may comment as many times as you'd like to heighten your chance of winning! Please also post this giveaway on your blog to be eligible!


  1. My wonderful mom has a birthday on July 28th!

  2. My birthday is on July 20th! Check out my blog, I also put this on there as well.

  3. First time I'll have a baby on my birthday, on the 20th! He'll be almost 3 months!

  4. July is the best month and the of course the 20th(since it's my birthday) is the best day. :) But who doesn't love this month? You have BBQ, swimming, vacations, family reunions, get togethers with friends...the list can go on and on. :)

  5. my SIL day, 24th!!

  6. what a fun giveaway and blog...i have really enjoyed reading this and am so grateful that you are so honest about the time you have/need with your family and other responsiblities, thank you for all you do!!

    btw, my birthday is still the 25th :)

  7. By birthday is July 2. What a great day!

  8. Just a reminder my birthday is still on July 20th! Less than a week...I'll be half way to 50. :)

  9. I hope I win, but either way I just LOVE this month! Especially the 20th!

  10. Pick me, pick me. My birthday is the 2nd of July.

  11. July is such a great birthday month! Mine is on the 5th!

  12. Favorite day of the year- mine is July 17th!

  13. Just because I can, leaving another comment and crossing my fingers!

  14. My bday is tomorrow the 25th!!

  15. My cousin Christophers birthday is the 31st

  16. My cousin Kylie has a birthday on the 31st!

  17. My friend Reed has a birthday on the 27th

  18. My sister in law Stacey has birthday on 18th of july

  19. I do love July and I do love giveaways! Sure hope I win!!

  20. My friend has a birthday on the aug 22th....

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Thank you for your comments!