Friday, April 3, 2009

I Can't Do Everything

I can't do everything.
I know because I've tried.
I told myself I could
And then found out I lied.
I believed with all my heart
That I should do it all,
But I can't do everything
and when I try I fall.

I can't please everyone.
I know because I've tried
I needed their love so much
Sometimes I compromised.
But the more I live and learn,
The more I clearly see
That I can't please anyone,
Until I'm pleased with me.

So here I am asking with all my heart
For the feeling I have been dreaming of.
Just fill the empty spaces that keep us apart,
And help me find myself in your love.
'Cause I can't do anything
Without some help from above
And I can't please anyone until I know I'm loved.
And I believe I'm loved.
-Michael McLean

"You are loved! Your Heavenly Father loves you. Your husband loves you. Your children love you. You have many friends and family that love you. Sometimes we tend to forget that, or it gets lost in all the "clutter" of our everyday lives. You can't do everything, but you can do something. You would probably be really surprised about the number of people's lives that you touch. They are most likely looking at you and saying the same thing...."If she can do it why can't I?" It always surprises me when I hear other people tell me that I have it all together. I don't! Believe me I wish I did, but I don't.

Hang in there. Things will get easier or your ability to deal with them becomes greater. I truly do believe that with all my heart!" -Andrea (my dear friend)


  1. Thank you so much, Andrea! I was just Googling the lyrics to that song I loved so much whilst serving my mission ... um ... about 18 years ago! (And even before that!) Now so busy with 3 children and all the craziness that goes along with it, today I REALLY NEED that song. Thanks again for the reminder that I should think of myself once in a while. :) Nyree (UK)


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