Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Fave- Bizzy Bee

I have to take you over to BizzyBeeCreations and show you some real creativity. Beth is SO creative and always so good to blog about her projects and teach us how to do them. I LOVE her blog, and always feel so inspired by her. Girl's got talent! Go get inspired for Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to seeing all of her Christmas projects soon!

Also, Christmas is coming quickly! I'd better spend some time and take some pics of my own Christmas ideas and traditions. Do you have some too? Do you make and sell something we would love to see? Do you have a great holiday tutorial that you'd like to share? Know of a Christmas shopping secret or deal? Please share the love and send me your link!


  1. Awww...thank you!! I am inspired daily by the many blogs I read!

  2. You're wonderful! I love your ideas! My blog is
    Stop by and visit! Thank you for sharing!


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