Monday, October 13, 2008

Favorite Holiday Things Swap

Jenni over at My Happy Little Life is hosting a neat fundraiser Holiday Swap to help raise money for the Children's Cardiomyopathy Foundation. Her sweet little daughter has this life threatening disease. This sounds like a fun opportunity to share and recieve! Go check it out here.

Also, Jenni's mom makes these beautiful nativity sets out of river rocks and is donating a set (worth $150) for this cause. You can buy raffle tickets to enter the drawing for it. Click for more info!

I also noticed on Jenni's blog, a great weekly post she is doing to help us get ready for Christmas in 10 weeks, starting October 12. Thank goodness for gals like her that are willing to help the rest of us stay more organized! Thanks Jenni. You are definately a creative and organized homemaker!

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