Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My New Look!!

As you can see, the Creative Homemaker got a face-lift! As we all know, about a month ago I tried to do my own blog makeover. I liked it fine, but there were some things that I couldn't stand. The words in my post box and sidebars were touching and crouded. Also, the Homemaker girl on my header had a sleevelss dress on- not something I'd wear, personally. And I needed a linky to share and some sidebar titles. Who did this, you might wonder??


That would be Leelou! Go check out her blog and look at all her fab blog layouts. Then if you see one you love, it's yours! For FREE!!! She also takes orders for custom headers and complete blog makeovers for a very resonable price! She is actually so popular now, that you have to wait to get on her waiting list. (But it's worth the wait.) You can subscribe for updates on that. For now, you can enjoy her free layouts!

And check out my LINKY! The Creative Homemaker

You can copy/paste it from the top right corner of this blog. :)

If you love my new look, leave me a quick comment!! In fact... I CHALLENGE you to leave a comment this time. I NEED MORE COMMENTS because I LOVE them! I know you visit me becasue my counter (on the left sidebar) proves it. SO what are you waiting for?? I want to hear from you!. It will only take a second, and I don't even make you type in a funky letter security code. If you leave a comment on this post, I will come visit YOU and leave YOU and comment of appreciation within the next 24 hours. I want to see all of your cute blogs! Remember, your comment does not have to be long- even one or two words. Just DO IT! I want to see how many comments I can get today. Oh, and don't forget to take a LINKY!! Have a great day!!


  1. I love the new look! I'm drawn to it and it is very fresh and yet has a retro feel to it that I especially love!

  2. Ang, your blog thinks fabulous! I love the colors and the new layout. You're inspiring me to give my blog a facelift. I'll check out Leelou. Keep up the good work. I love reading your blog.

  3. love the new look!! you are doing such neat things. thanks for sharing and inspiring:)

  4. Your blog looks fantanstic! I love all the tips and info you share! I'm a fellow Boise Babe as well!

  5. I really like the background and the header of your blog. It looks great! Congratulations on the makeover.

  6. It looks great Ang - you're doing a great job with your blog!

  7. LoVe iT! You are doing a great job, keep it up!

  8. The first thing I noticed tonight was how cute your blog is!!! Good job Angela. (I would have left a comment anyway:)

    Also, love the linky!! I'm stealing one right now!

  9. Just found your site and I love it!! Great look too!!


Thank you for your comments!