Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My First Blog Award!!

Bizzy Bee Creations nominated me for this Brilliante Weblog Award. What an honor!!

The award comes with these rules:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. Link to the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs youv'e nominated.
6. Write an acceptance speech in the style of the Academy Awards, thanking every body’s mother, father, sister, brother, aunties and uncles and the kitchen staff at your favorite restaurant!

So...I nominate the following great blogs (in no particular order):

This woman is amazingly talented. I love lurking on her blog to see what new things she has done to her home! She posts a series of "mistreatments" (like window treatments) that are so fab! Click here for more details.

A bunch of my friends and I frequent this blog for ideas of new do's for our little girls' hair. She gives step-by-step directions, and our little girls look so chic!

Another fab hair doing tutorial blog that I found. And another extremely talented woman! I go to her blog as well to get her step-by-step hair style how-to's!

If you want to try some TO-DIE-FOR recipes, you better go check out this blog! I have tried several of her recipes and every one has been delicious! Jenny has been on the food network and has won cooking contests and everything. I know she is bound to become famous!

I love this blog. If you want to know who's doing blog giveaways, which stores are having their latest clearance sales, or hear about the best blogs on the internet; then visit her daily!

This is my good friend and neighbor, Amanda. If you are from Idaho, you definately have to add her blog to your faves. If you are not from Idaho, still go see the new things she has discovered about out fantastic home town!

I recently found this woman through my friend, Amanda. (Sorry Amanda, but you can nominate her again if you want!) Her name is Sheena and she is such a cute blog author, and a talented photographer! If you just need a good laugh, or you want to see that you are not the only one with a bad hair day once in a while go see her. She will make you feel better. Right now she is having a "worst hair do" contest, so click over for details!

Kim always has great tips and ideas! I love to visit her to see what's new. She is also a very talented scrapper (something I actually do not do) and I really admire her. She seems to do it all!

Of course we are all fans of Tip Junkie!! Laurie is amazing. I don't know how she keeps it all together SO well!! She is the coolest gal, and I appreciate all she does for all of us women!! I love to visit her personal blog too. She keeps it real for us, and I love it.

Now it's time for my acceptance speech:
First I want to thank my wonderful husband, Rod {{sniffle-sniffle}} for his loving support to a blog-jogging, photo-taking, blog-posting, job-chart and hair-clip-making, "mom-preneur" that I am. And for getting the kids breakfast while I check my email from time to time. I'd also like to thank my sweet sis-in-laws Robyn, Cala and Tasha for influencing me to become a blogger like them, eventhough I was so skeptical at first and have now gotten carried away with now two blogs. Most importantly I'd like to thank my four beautiful children for going to bed on time and not getting up too much while I have my computer time. Last but not least, thank you to Bizzy Bee Creations who I am so glad to have found, and placed gently on my shelf of favorites. She makes cute hair clips like me and has become one of my few kindred spirits.


  1. Congrats and thanks Angela!!

    Your blog just keeps getting better and better! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you Angela! I just added your blog to my favorites, I love it!

  3. You are far too sweet! Thank you! Hope you don't mind me hanging around your blog now-- this is very cute!!!

  4. what a cute blog you have!! thank you a million for my award!! and thank you also for calling me a "woman". I think that's a first:)

  5. Ang, thanks for the nomination. Your blog is so awesome. You're an inspiration to me.


Thank you for your comments!